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“ very clean nice room,you would be hard pressed to improve me and my wife were very impressed ...”
fromanthony l,13 years ago
Hotel trewinda lodge, Newquay
17 Eliot Gardens, Newquay, TR7 2QE, United Kingdom

Trewinda Lodge is a friendly, quiet, yet centrally located guesthouse. Only a short distance from the seafront and the many amenities Newquay provides. It's beaches are described as the best in Britain. We provide a perfect base from which to make the most of this fabulous area. All our bedrooms are comfortable, en-suite with TV, hairdryer, tea and coffee making facilities and central heating. Unlike many guesthouses you have access to your room at all times. A Continental breakfast is served from 8.30am.
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Distances from Newquay airports
Cornwall Airport - 6 km