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“ Very disappointing compared to other Hotel du Vin hotels. Pokey dark room which didn't ...”
fromClaire D,13 years ago
Hotel du Vin and Bistro Birmingham, Birmingham
25 Church Street, Birmingham, B3 2NR, United Kingdom

The ornate, early Victorian building in the old city centre, now part of the newly revitalised Jewellery Quarter, was sympathetically converted to provide 66 bedrooms and suites around the central courtyard, retaining many orginal features including the magnificent sweeping staircase and granite pillars. A relaxing haven in the city, the hotel offers our trademark Bistro, a spa and gym and has a popular Pub Du Vin, all complimented by our unique relaxed style of hospitality.City Centre location close to shopping, financial district and jewellery quarter. Hotel du Vin offers stunning bedrooms and suites with superb beds, divine egyptian linen and serious showers. Food and wine is of fundamental importance, we serve quality food cooked simply with the freshest of local ingredients.
Handicap accessible
Pets allowed
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Fitness - Sports
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Birmingham airports
International Airport - 10.8 km