Search hotels in Portimão
Discount hotels in Portimão
18 hotels are available in Portimão, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Portimão hotel is 19 £, found at Hotel Santa Catarina Algarve, provided by Venere.
The top rated hotel in Portimão is the Hotel Made Inn.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in Portimão with internet access are 15, pets allowed 1, SPA 15 and disabled facilities 10.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Portimão are Booking and Venere.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Portimão is 3 days.
Portimão Hotels
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Address:Avenida V3 Edificio Club Amarilis
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:1.41 km
The Hotel is also offered byExpedia from 95 £

Address:Avenida Tomas Cabreira, Praia da Rocha
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:1.58 km

Address:Vicente Vaz Das Vacas, Nº 22
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:820 m

Address:Av. Henrry Cotton
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:360 m
The Hotel is also offered from 399 £

Address:Prima Estrada Alvor
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:430 m
The Hotel is also offered from 166 £

Address:Morgado do Regengo Resort, 100
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:7.15 km

Address:Av. Tomas Cabreira-Praia Da Rocha
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:1.58 km

Address:Av. Tomás Cabreira
City (District):Portimão
Distance from city center:1.75 km