Search hotels in Evora
Discount hotels in Evora
12 hotels are available in Evora, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Evora hotel is 36 £, found at Casa Do Vale Hotel, provided by Venere.
The hotel chains available in Evora are Best Western.
The top rated hotel in Evora is the Belver Monte do Carmo Hotel Rural.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in Evora with internet access are 12, pets allowed 2, SPA 11 and disabled facilities 10.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Evora are Booking and Venere.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Evora is 1 days.
Evora Hotels
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Belver Monte do Carmo Hotel RuralShow on map

Address:Monte do Carmo, Apartado 7
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:15.34 km

Address:Travessa da Palmeira, 4
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:280 m
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 98 £Venere from 118 £Expedia from 118 £ from 118 £

Address:Av. Tulio Espanca Apartado 93
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:300 m

Address:Rua 5 de Outubro, 47
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:500 m

Address:Travessa da Milheira, 19
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:520 m

Address:Rua Cândido Dos Reis, 72/78
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:950 m
The Hotel is also offered byExpedia from 146 £ from 146 £Booking from 148 £Venere from 172 £

Address:Largo Conde Vila-Flor
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:620 m

Address:En114 - Quinta De Vale Vazios
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:90 m
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 104 £

Address:Rua Diana de Liz 5, Horta das Figueiras
City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:270 m

City (District):Evora
Distance from city center:3.8 km