Search hotels in Albufeira
Discount hotels in Albufeira
72 hotels are available in Albufeira, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Albufeira hotel is 53 £, found at Mar a Vista, provided by Expedia.
The top rated hotel in Albufeira is the CS Vila das Lagoas.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in Albufeira with internet access are 56, pets allowed 4, SPA 55 and disabled facilities 37.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Albufeira are Booking and
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Albufeira is 7 days.
Albufeira Hotels
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Address:Herdade dos Salgados Resort
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:1 km

Address:Quinta do Milharó Olhos D´Água
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:1.12 km

Address:Olhos D'Água
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:1.08 km

Address:Urbanização Quinta Pedra dos Bicos Lt. 24
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:530 m

Address:Avenida Doutor Francisco Sá Carneiro - Areias de São João
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:820 m

Address:Urbanização Expansão Norte de Montechoro - Lote 22
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:2.28 km

Address:Praia da Galé- Apart. 2204
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:260 m
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 170 £Booking from 186 £Expedia from 250 £ from 259 £

Address:Praia de Santa Eulália
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:270 m

City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:680 m
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 89 £Booking from 129 £Expedia from 176 £ from 185 £

Address:Praia da Falésia - Açoteias
City (District):Albufeira
Distance from city center:740 m