Search hotels in Pune
Discount hotels in Pune
55 hotels are available in Pune, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Pune hotel is 1 £, found at The Pride Hotel, Pune, provided by Booking.
The hotel chains available in Pune are Quality, Radisson, Marriott, Hyatt.
The top rated hotel in Pune is the Hotel Phoenix.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in Pune with internet access are 41, pets allowed 3, SPA 27 and disabled facilities 23.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Pune are and Expedia.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Pune is 2 days.
Pune Hotels
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Address:98, Lotus Enclave Anand park,Flat No.8,
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:3.03 km
The Hotel is also offered from 19 £

Address:452/53 Rasta Peth, Near Power House
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:1.61 km
The Hotel is also offered from 21 £

Address:Road No. 6, Adarsh Colony, Near Anand
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:4.77 km
The Hotel is also offered from 28 £

Address:638, Deccan Gymkhana
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:1.84 km
The Hotel is also offered from 31 £

Address:473/ 14 B, Gultekdi
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:4.5 km
The Hotel is also offered byExpedia from 51 £

Address:Suyaman House, Plot B, Survey 132
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:2.38 km

Address:Adjacent to Chhatrapati Shiviaji Sports
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:3.98 km
The Hotel is also offered from 54 £

Address:Nagar Bypass Road Kharadi
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:2.23 km
The Hotel is also offered from 66 £

Address:Plot No 15 Road No 2 Central Avenue
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:1.4 km

Address:36/3-b Koregaon Park Annexe
City (District):Pune
Distance from city center:560 m
The Hotel is also offered from 140 £