Search hotels in New Delhi
Hotels New Delhi by city zone
Indira Gandhi Airport(23 structures)
Discount hotels in New Delhi
207 hotels are available in New Delhi, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
The neighborhoods in New Delhi that offers hotel accommodation services are 1, the ones that includes more hotels are Indira Gandhi Airport.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a New Delhi hotel is 1 £, found at The Uppal - An Ecotel Hotel, provided by Booking.
The hotel chains available in New Delhi are Le Meridien, Kempinski, Hilton.
The top rated hotel in New Delhi is the Lemon Tree Hotel, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in New Delhi with internet access are 155, pets allowed 25, SPA 97 and disabled facilities 105.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in New Delhi are and Expedia.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in New Delhi is 2 days.
New Delhi Hotels
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Address:37, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:3.66 km

Address:5/5, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:4.93 km
The Hotel is also offered from 17 £

Address:5/12, Saraswati Marg
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:5.26 km
The Hotel is also offered from 20 £

Address:8575 Arakashan Road
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:5.09 km
The Hotel is also offered byExpedia from 27 £

Address:F-35, Central Market, Kirti Nagar
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:6.78 km
The Hotel is also offered from 27 £

Address:15-A 32 WEA, Ajmal Khan Road
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:6.05 km
The Hotel is also offered from 30 £

Address:17A/8, W.E.A. Karolbagh
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:5.11 km
The Hotel is also offered from 35 £

Address:H2 A Green Park Extension
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:4.88 km
The Hotel is also offered from 51 £

Address:A-67 Mahipalpur Extn.
City (District):New Delhi(Indira Gandhi Airport)
Distance from city center:5.81 km
The Hotel is also offered from 51 £

Address:Number 33, Siri Fort Road
City (District):New Delhi
Distance from city center:4.99 km
The Hotel is also offered from 78 £