Flights from Rosario to Sauce Viejo

The flight distance between Rosario and Sauce Viejo is 132 Km, while the most frequent departure time for this flight is 19:30.
As far as concerns the duration, the average time to fly on this route is around 13 hours and 45 minutes.
Rosario and Sauce Viejo provide a total number of 2 airports: Islas Malvinas (ROS) and Santa Fe (SFN).
The overall number of airlines offering tickets for the route Rosario-Sauce Viejo is 1, and the most popular ones are Aerolineas Argentinas.
The most frequently used airline on the route Rosario Sauce Viejo is Aerolineas Argentinas.
Regarding the fares, the cheapest price found last month to book flights from Rosario to Sauce Viejo was 756 £ on Aerolineas Argentinas.
On a statistical viewpoint, the cheapest day of the week to fly from Rosario to Sauce Viejo is Monday.
Map of the air route Rosario - Sauce Viejo