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Hotel Be Smart Talavera, Toledo
Avda Toledo sn Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, 45600, Spain

The Hotel Be Smart Talavera stands within walking distance of Talavera de la Reina's historic district. This modern, 4-star hotel has 103 guestrooms for city breaks, business trips, or visitors interested in culture, since it enables them to take a break while seeing all the sights in town. The Hotel Be Smart Talavera can be easily reached by road from Toledo and Ávila, which are around 80km away, or Madrid, just an hour drive from Talavera de la Reina. Barajas is the closest airport.Most rooms in our four-star hotel are double rooms, with all the necessary amenities to make our customers feel as comfortable as possible.
Handicap accessible
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Disabled parking
Other services