Search hotels in Salou
Discount hotels in Salou
56 hotels are available in Salou, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Salou hotel is 50 £, found at Jardines Paraisol, provided by Expedia.
The top rated hotel in Salou is the Calypso.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in Salou with internet access are 50, pets allowed 2, SPA 55 and disabled facilities 37.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Salou are Booking and Venere.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Salou is 2 days.
Salou Hotels
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Address:C/ Pompeu Fabra 54-62
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:670 m
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 415 £

Address:Rambla del Parc sn
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:2.25 km

Address:Calle Madrid, 8
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:1.06 km

Address:Ginesta, s/n
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:530 m

Address:Carrer de Levante 5
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:1.12 km
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 81 £Expedia from 142 £ from 142 £LateRooms from 188 £

Address:Plaza Bonet, 2
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:990 m
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 127 £

Address:Avda. Països Catalans, s/n
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:1.41 km

Address:Avenida Principat d'Andorra, 15
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:1.02 km

Address:Rambla del Parc, s/n
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:1.8 km

Address:C/ Vendrell, 1-3
City (District):Salou
Distance from city center:30 m
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 57 £