Search hotels in Ronda
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Discount hotels in Ronda
35 hotels are available in Ronda, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Ronda hotel is 21 £, found at Hotel San Francisco, provided by Booking.
The top rated hotel in Ronda is the Cortijo Salinas.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in Ronda with internet access are 28, pets allowed 8, SPA 27 and disabled facilities 17.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Ronda are Booking and Venere.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Ronda is 2 days.
Ronda Hotels
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Address:Carretera Grazalema - Zahara A-7375 Km. 6
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:8.64 km

Address:Ctra Ronda-Benaojan, km 8 Benaojan
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:1.65 km

Address:Carretera Ronda-Zahara de la Sierra A-2300, Km 21,800
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:7.1 km
The Hotel is also offered byLateRooms from 68 £

Address:Real, 40
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:710 m

Address:Plaza de España, s/n
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:860 m

Address:Calle Tenorio, 8
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:860 m

Address:Camino de Laura s/n
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:6.07 km

Address:Partido de los Frontones, s/n
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:4.39 km

Address:Puerto de las Muelas, s/nº
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:1.53 km
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 77 £

Address:Real, 25
City (District):Ronda
Distance from city center:820 m
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 98 £