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“There is very noisy area of city around the hotel and windows do not protect from it ...”
fromGalina Pershina,13 years ago
Hotel Ateneo, Madrid
Calle de la Montera, 22, Sol, Madrid, 28014, Spain

The Ateneo hotel, which was created as the first Ateneo (cultural and social meeting point) in Madrid two centuries ago, is now a completely renovated building housing a modern hotel. The property was designed by one of the most famous Spanish architects from the 18th century, Ventura Rodríguez, who was disciple of the Italian Filippo Juvarra and Giovanni Battista Sacchetti, therefore offering a significant contribution to the transition from Spanish Barroque to Neoclassicism. The Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace (which includes some works of Ventura Rodríguez) as well as the Prado, Reina Sofía and Thyssen Bornemisza museums are all within walking distance of the property. Amenities include a cosy breakfast room, an Internet Point in the reception area, a 24-hour front desk, satellite TV room and comfortable accommodations with ADSL Internet access.
Handicap accessible
Air conditioned
Convention center
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Madrid airports
Barajas Airport - 14.2 km