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Hotel Es Molí, Deia
Carretera Valldemosa a Deià, s/n, Deia, 07179, Spain
Hotel Es Molí is located in one of the most picturesque towns of Mallorca: Deià. This 4 star hotel is a 17th Century mansion, surrounded by an astonishing landscape formed by mountains and beach views. It is worth a visit to the lovely Deià, the town where many famous personalities, as Robert Graves, chose for living; guests of the Hotel Es Molí will explore on foot the narrow streets of the village, as well as the forest paths nearby. The hotel provides complimentary transport to Sa Muleta, a cove with sparkling blue water, situated in the surroundings. The numerous services offered at the Hotel Es Molí will complete every visitor’s vacation. On the terraces under the shade of pines, guests can relax on the comfortable sun loungers while sipping a drink from the snack bar. This seasonal hotel (open from April to October) also has restaurant, conference room, a wonderful heated outdoor pool (not suitable for young children), changing rooms, showers and snorkelling equipment, tennis court, hairdressing salon, massage parlour, gymnasium, outdoor chess set, boutique and an ample private parking. Twice a week, live classical music provides a romantic and elegant background for dinner in the restaurant Buganvilia, and once a week the Hotel Es Molí offers a typical Spanish dinner accompanied by guitar music. During the summer, guests will enjoy the weekly evening garden party, with Mallorcan or Flamenco music where guests will be invited to dance.
Air conditioned
Currency exchange
Convention center
Internet (wireless)
Fitness - Sports
Swimming pool
Meeting rooms
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services