Search hotels in Alcázar de San Juan
Discount hotels in Alcázar de San Juan
5 hotels are available in Alcázar de San Juan, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Alcázar de San Juan hotel is 28 £, found at Hotel Alcazar, provided by Booking.
The top rated hotel in Alcázar de San Juan is the Intur Alcázar de San Juan.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Alcázar de San Juan are Booking and Venere.
Alcázar de San Juan Hotels
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Address:Avenida Herencia, s/n
City (District):Alcázar de San Juan
Distance from city center:222.79 km

Address:Polígono Emilio Castro, Avenida de la Tecnología, 22A
City (District):Alcázar de San Juan
Distance from city center:223.69 km

Address:Rondilla Cruz Verde, 91
City (District):Alcázar de San Juan
Distance from city center:223.56 km

Address:Avenida de Cervera, 81
City (District):Alcázar de San Juan
Distance from city center:222.23 km

Address:Plaza de Santa Clara, s/n
City (District):Alcázar de San Juan
Distance from city center:222.97 km