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Hotel Eastgate Palms Lodge, Johannesburg
30 Kitchener Avenue, Johannesburg, 2139, South Africa
The Eastgate Palms Lodge is a nice lodge in Johanessburg. This South Africa accommodation is close to many tourist attractions. You can reach Ellis Park Stadium and the Eastgate Mall, which are both very close to the lodge. Johannesburg is a lovely city and has many wonderful attractions. There are museums, historic buildings, theatres, sporting arenas, shops, restaurants and much more to see and do here. You can visit the Cradle of Mankind, which is a UNESCO world heritage site, and is where a large amount of early hominids were discovered. You can also visit the Mandela Museum, which is the former home of Nelson Mandela and is located in Soweto. You can also visit the Market Theater, Museum Africa and the Johannesburg Zoo. The hotel is a truly beautiful place to stay. It has a gorgeous garden, where you can sit outdoors and enjoy a peaceful afternoon. You can read, picnic, nap or chat with friends. In the lodge, there are many charming rooms dedicated to relaxation. You will truly love your stay here. Private parking is available.
Handicap accessible
Conference centre
Meeting rooms
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Johannesburg airports
O.R. Tambo Airport - 18 km