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Delta Hotel, The Hague
Anna Paulownastraat 8, The Hague, 2518 BE, Netherlands
Travelers in need of a hotel in the Netherlands will love staying at the Delta Hotel. This 2 star Netherlands hotel is located in Den Haag, just a short distance away from the city center. Here there are many historic buildings, museums, monuments and other cultural attractions you can visit. Do not miss a visit to the Knight’s Hall, the Inner Court, Queen Beatrix’ residential palace, and Clingendael Park. All of these are popular tourist attractions in Den Haag and very interesting, as well. A lot of thought and care went into the décor of this hotel and it is very clean and modern in appearance. Outside, guests can unwind in the Zen garden which is a charming place. Inside, there is a breakfast room where you can get a kick start to your day with a meal or just lounge around. The hotel has many other amenities for your convenience, including a dry cleaning service, wakeup calls and a luggage storage area.
Internet (wireless)
Non-smoking rooms
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