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Hotel Nuova Aurora, Venice
Marghera, via Fratelli Bandiera 194, Venice, 30175, Italy

The 2 star Hotel Nuova Aurora has single rooms, double rooms and triple rooms.The rooms of the hotel are equipped with nice and clean bathrooms, TV, air conditioner, a phone line and internet wireless connection in all the areas of the hotel. The hotel also has a private parking place, elevator, public TV room, automatic machines for hot drinks, snack, cold drinks and is situated in an open area, nearly the main street, without any buildings around that could block you the wiew. Hotel Nuova Aurora is a basic place to stay, situated in Marghera, on the industrial outskirts of Venice. This is a perfect place to use as a base for getting to know the 'City of Water' as well as the other cities on the Riviera del Brenta (a channel of the Brenta river).
Handicap accessible
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Venice airports
Marco Polo Airport - 11.3 km