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Review summary
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“All was very pleasing, from the warm welcome at reception onwards. Lovely room and - ...”
fromAnonymous user,13 years ago
Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace, Trieste
Via Riva del Mandracchio 4, Trieste, 34100, Italy

In the heart of the city, overlooking the fabulous Gulf of Trieste, the Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace, constructed during the Austrian imperial era, has been totally renovated with an elegant blend of traditional and contemporary style. The aesthetically appealing choices of the furnishings and details evoke the warm and stylish Mittel-European atmosphere. The rooms have been created to appeal to both business clientele as well as leisure travellers. Looking through the wide windows of the restaurant, bar and lobby areas, a fantastic view overlooking the gulf can be admired. The lounge, conceived as the true sitting room of the hotel, is lighted by a magnificent skylight ceiling which recalls the winter gardens of the Belle Époque. The spacious congress center offers 9 meeting rooms, most of which with natural daylight, that can accommodate up to 500 people. The rooms provide the most modern technologies, which cater to the most diverse requests and necessities. The recent renovation, that had lasted for nearly two years, has made it possible to preserve the majesty of the hotel's origins, while maintaining a refined contemporary style. The hotel perfectly blends with the city's Mittel-European style thanks to the warm boiserie on the interior walls, the precious marble pavement and the lounge's skylight ceiling. Starhotels Savoia Excelsior Palace's guests will be overwhelmed by its pleasant and discreet elegance and by the unforgettable views of the Gulf of Trieste.
Handicap accessible
Pets allowed
Air conditioned
Business center
Currency exchange
Conference centre
Convention center
Internet (wireless)
Meeting rooms
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Trieste airports
Ronchi dei Legionari Airport - 30.2 km