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“ You cannot fault the service and attitude of the young couple running the hotel. It was ...”
fromAlan T,15 years ago
Hotel Albergo Garni Aurora, Trieste
Via Trieste 15, Trieste, 34013, Italy

Centrally located in the heart of Duino, the family-run Hotel Garnì Aurora has been welcoming guests from around the world since 1946. Situated between the historic Castle of Turn unt Taxis and the romantic Rilke Path, guests can explore a town full of amenities and bars or enjoy a relaxing walk by the sea. The hotel, which offered hospitality to Prince Charles in 1981, has beautifully furnished rooms, an excellent breakfast service, a private car park and two relaxing, peaceful gardens. The strategic location of the Albergo Garnì Aurora means that you can reach the centre of Trieste and the famous beaches of the North Adriatic Riviera in very little time. There is also an excellent connection to and from the airport.
Internet (wireless)
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Trieste airports
Ronchi dei Legionari Airport - 12 km