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Review summary
Total reviews: 27
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“Second time at the Continental and I enjoyed it as much the first time. Lots of atmospehre ...”
fromPeter Callius,13 years ago
Hotel Continental, Treviso
Via Roma 16, Treviso, 31100, Italy

The Hotel is aimed above all at those guests looking for that something extra when they visit a city on holiday or for work. Guests who love particular settings, period decor and atmospheres reminiscent of the early 1900s will find what they're looking for at the Continental.The communal areas are truly special (the bar, for example, features a very original counter), while many of the rooms, with all the comforts typical of a modern hotel, offer far from ordinary settings and furnishings.But it is nevertheless a modern structure (built in 1958 and renovated several times) and thus offers high standard services.Four well-equipped meeting rooms seating up to 80 people are available for meetings and small congresses.At any time its staff, trained to serve Italian and foreign business and holiday guests, can provide rapid check-in and check-out services, together with information on the city, offices, restaurants and transport.The hotel is situated in the centre of Treviso, a few metres from the train and coach stations and near the cultural, business and historical heart of the city.
Handicap accessible
Pets allowed
Air conditioned
Currency exchange
Conference centre
Internet (wireless)
Meeting rooms
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Treviso airports
Canova Airport - 4.3 km