Search hotels in Syracuse
Hotels Syracuse by city zone
Discount hotels in Syracuse
57 hotels are available in Syracuse, there are many accommodation all year round deals.
The neighborhoods in Syracuse that offers hotel accommodation services are 3, the ones that includes more hotels are Ortigia and Porti - Stazione.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in a Syracuse hotel is 25 £, found at Hotel Scala Greca, provided by Booking.
The hotel chains available in Syracuse are Quality.
The top rated hotel in Syracuse is the Principe di Fitalia.
For what concern the availability of facilities, the hotels in Syracuse with internet access are 47, pets allowed 36, SPA 36 and disabled facilities 49.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Syracuse are Venere and Booking.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Syracuse is 2 days.
Syracuse Hotels
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Address:Contrada Spalla
City (District):Syracuse
Distance from city center:4.26 km

Address:Via della Maestranza, 111
City (District):Syracuse(Ortigia)
Distance from city center:620 m
The Hotel is also offered byLateRooms from 90 £

Address:Via Monti Nebrodi 47
City (District):Syracuse
Distance from city center:2.55 km

City (District):Syracuse(Parco Archeologico)
Distance from city center:400 m
The Hotel is also offered byLateRooms from 88 £

City (District):Syracuse(Porti - Stazione)
Distance from city center:220 m

Address:Via dei Mille, 34
City (District):Syracuse(Ortigia)
Distance from city center:370 m
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 90 £

Address:Via Pozzo di Mazza
City (District):Syracuse
Distance from city center:5.73 km
The Hotel is also offered byLateRooms from 126 £

Address:Trav Cozzo Pantano
City (District):Syracuse
Distance from city center:330 m
The Hotel is also offered byLateRooms from 130 £Booking from 170 £Expedia from 199 £ from 209 £

Address:Via D. Impellizzeri - Contrada Fanusa
City (District):Syracuse
Distance from city center:4.99 km

Address:Via Roma 66
City (District):Syracuse(Ortigia)
Distance from city center:760 m