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Hotels 4 stars in Sorrento
51 4 stars hotels are available in Sorrento, there are many accommodation deals all year round.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in 4 stars hotels in Sorrento is 50 £ at Villaggio Turistico Costa Alta, provided by Venere.
The hotel chains that offer 4 stars hotels in Sorrento are Hilton, Best Western.
The top rated 4 stars hotels in Sorrento is Hotel Delfino.
For what concern the availability of services, the Sorrento area hotels with internet access are 42, pets allowed 31, SPA 41 and disabled facilities 13.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of 4 stars hotels in Sorrento are Venere and Booking.
Sorrento Hotels 4 stars
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Address:Via Vittorio Veneto 1
City (District):Sorrento(Old Town)
Distance from city center:1.17 km

Address:Via Rota 1
City (District):Sorrento(Marina Piccola)
Distance from city center:1.35 km

Address:Via Fuorimura 3
City (District):Sorrento(Marina Piccola)
Distance from city center:980 m

Address:Via Capo 29
City (District):Sorrento(Marina Grande E Capo Sorrento)
Distance from city center:1.19 km

Address:Via Capo 60
City (District):Sorrento(Marina Grande E Capo Sorrento)
Distance from city center:1.17 km

Address:Via Sant'Antonio 13
City (District):Sorrento
Distance from city center:540 m

Address:Via Calata Puolo 1
City (District):Sorrento
Distance from city center:1.23 km

City (District):Sorrento(Marina Grande E Capo Sorrento)
Distance from city center:520 m

Address:Via A. Cosenza 155
City (District):Sorrento
Distance from city center:3.68 km

Address:Corso Italia 248
City (District):Sorrento(Marina Piccola)
Distance from city center:1.23 km
The Hotel is also offered byExpedia from 139 £ from 139 £Booking from 160 £LateRooms from 166 £