
Hotels Rome Colosseo area

In the Rome neighborhood of Colosseo are available 11 hotel, there are many accommodation deals all year round.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in an hotel in Rome Colosseo area is 63 £ at Solis, provided by Expedia.
The top rated hotel in Rome neighborhood Colosseo is Paba.
For what concern the availability of services, the Rome Colosseo area hotels with internet access are 9pets allowed 7SPA 5 and disabled facilities 3.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Rome Colosseo area are Booking and Venere.

Colosseo zone Hotels, Rome

Order by
PabaShow on map
From65 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via Cavour 266
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:670 m
Users rating:
9.1/ 10
Hotel PERUGIAShow on map
From44 £per night
Offered byLateRooms
Address:Via del Colosseo, 7
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:800 m
Users rating:
6/ 10
ForumShow on map
From151 £per night
Offered byExpedia
Address:Via Tor de' Conti 25
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:680 m
Users rating:
4.7/ 10
RomanoShow on map
From70 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Largo Corrado Ricci 32
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:730 m
Users rating:
4.1/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 115 £
RichmondShow on map
From100 £per night
Offered byBooking
Address:Largo Corrado Ricci 36
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:740 m
Users rating:
4/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 175 £
CelioShow on map
From128 £per night
Offered byBooking
Address:Via Santissimi Quattro 35/C
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:1.2 km
Users rating:
4/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 130 £
SolisShow on map
From172 £per night
Offered byBooking
Address:Via Cavour 311
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:700 m
Users rating:
3.5/ 10
From85 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via Cavour 294
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:710 m
Users rating:
3/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 86 £
Hotel LabelleShow on map
From148 £per night
Offered byBooking
Address:Via Cavour 310
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:720 m
Users rating:
3/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byLateRooms from 180 £
Hotel FerraroShow on map
From171 £per night
Offered byBooking
Address:Via Cavour 266
City (District):Rome(Colosseo)
Distance from city center:700 m
Users rating:
0/ 10