
Hotels Rome Campus area

In the Rome neighborhood of Campus are available 24 hotel, there are many accommodation deals all year round.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in an hotel in Rome Campus area is 48 £ at Hotel Domus Praetoria, provided by LateRooms.
The hotel chains available in Rome Campus area are Best Western.
The top rated hotel in Rome neighborhood Campus is Canada.
For what concern the availability of services, the Rome Campus area hotels with internet access are 20pets allowed 13SPA 12 and disabled facilities 12.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Rome Campus area are Booking and Venere.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a hotel stay in Rome Campus neighborhood is 2 days.

Campus zone Hotels, Rome

Order by
CanadaShow on map
From115 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via Vicenza 58
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:530 m
Users rating:
9/ 10
Lucci HotelShow on map
From49 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via Villafranca 20
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:560 m
Users rating:
6.7/ 10
From58 £per night
Offered byLateRooms
Address:Via Milazzo, 42
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:340 m
Users rating:
5.7/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 69 £Venere from 125 £
From76 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via Marghera 51
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:390 m
Users rating:
5.2/ 10
Delle ProvinceShow on map
From55 £per night
Address:Viale delle Province 103
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:1.01 km
Users rating:
4.8/ 10
FiammaShow on map
From55 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via Gaeta 61
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:850 m
Users rating:
4.4/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 75 £LateRooms from 110 £
Villa MorgagniShow on map
From92 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via G.B. Morgagni 25
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:1.11 km
Users rating:
4.3/ 10
From55 £per night
Offered byExpedia
Address:Viale Ippocrate 119
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:790 m
Users rating:
4.2/ 10
AthenaShow on map
From45 £per night
Offered byBooking
Address:Via E. Pasquali 3
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:900 m
Users rating:
3.6/ 10
EuropaShow on map
From54 £per night
Offered byBooking
Address:Via Varese 26
City (District):Rome(Campus)
Distance from city center:330 m
Users rating:
3.6/ 10
The Hotel is also offered byVenere from 76 £