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Hotels 4 stars in Massa Pisana
15 4 stars hotels are available in Massa Pisana, there are many accommodation deals all year round.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in 4 stars hotels in Massa Pisana is 41 £ at Bologna, provided by Venere.
The top rated 4 stars hotels in Massa Pisana is Grand Hotel Golf.
For what concern the availability of services, the Massa Pisana area hotels with internet access are 13, pets allowed 12, SPA 12 and disabled facilities 13.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of 4 stars hotels in Massa Pisana are Venere and Booking.
On a statistical standpoint, the average length of a 4 stars hotels in Massa Pisana stay is 7 days.
Massa Pisana Hotels 4 stars
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Address:Largo Belvedere 26
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:198.5 km

Address:Via dell'Edera 29
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:198.36 km

Address:Via del Brennero 13
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:213.31 km

Address:Via Mazzini 57
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:208.14 km

Address:Via Darsena, 1 - angolo via Aurelia
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:206.74 km

Address:Via Santa Maria 94
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:208.9 km
The Hotel is also offered byExpedia from 107 £LateRooms from 110 £Booking from 134 £ from 172 £

Address:Via delle Torri - Località Cisanello
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:206.94 km

Address:Via Carlo Francesco Gabba 17
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:208.76 km
The Hotel is also offered byBooking from 80 £Venere from 84 £ from 107 £Expedia from 113 £

Address:Via Filippo Mazzei, 2
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:207.15 km
The Hotel is also offered byExpedia from 110 £Booking from 128 £LateRooms from 142 £ from 144 £

Address:Piazza Stazione 2
City (District):Massa Pisana
Distance from city center:207.55 km
The Hotel is also offered byLateRooms from 65 £Expedia from 84 £ from 84 £Venere from 201 £