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“ If you ever have the opportunity to stay in Bologna with your own car, here is where you ...”
fromMark McNeill,14 years ago
Hotel Relais Villa Valfiore, Bologna
Via Imelda Lambertini, 20 San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna, 40068, Italy

Villa Valfiore is a residence set within gardens planted with centuries-old trees, right in the quiet heart of the countryside yet just outside the gates of the city. The large underground car park provides direct access to the Villa and its facilities, without interfering in any way with the splendid Mediterranean garden An oasis of relaxation among the parks of Bologna's villas.Located within a park of century-old trees in an enchanting corner of the hills in the Municipality of San Lazzaro di Savena, just a few kilometres from Bologna, Villa Valfiore is a place where tradition and hospitality converge to create charming and elegant surroundings. Today, this secluded corner, which has remained untouched by the passage of time, offers its welcome guests a location of the highest order. The Hotel has ample underground parking, allowing direct and discreet access to the Villa and all amenities, thus safeguarding the exclusivity of the entire park area, which remains completely accessible to pedestrians.This ensures that you can enjoy your stay cushioned by silence and tranquillity, far from the rush and noise of everyday.
Handicap accessible
Air conditioned
Currency exchange
Internet (wireless)
Meeting rooms
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Bologna airports
Guglielmo Marconi Airport - 15.5 km