
Hotels Bologna Fiera area

In the Bologna neighborhood of Fiera are available 13 hotel, there are many accommodation deals all year round.
Regarding the fares, the lowest price per night found in an hotel in Bologna Fiera area is 29 £ at Astor Hotel, provided by Venere.
The top rated hotel in Bologna neighborhood Fiera is HC3.
For what concern the availability of services, the Bologna Fiera area hotels with internet access are 11pets allowed 10SPA 5 and disabled facilities 11.
The hotel consolidators with the highest number of hotels in Bologna Fiera area are Venere and Booking.

Fiera zone Hotels, Bologna

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Hc3 HotelShow on map
From62 £per night
Offered byExpedia
Address:Via Arcoveggio 46-48
City (District):Bologna(Fiera)
Distance from city center:4.19 km
Users rating:
0/ 10
The Hotel is also offered from 62 £Booking from 169 £
Casa TemporaneaShow on map
From73 £per night
Offered byVenere
Address:Via Caduti della Via Fani 5
City (District):Bologna(Fiera)
Distance from city center:2.73 km
Users rating:
0/ 10
From101 £per night
Offered byExpedia
Address:Via Ambrogio Magenta 10
City (District):Bologna(Fiera)
Distance from city center:3.38 km
Users rating:
0/ 10
The Hotel is also offered from 101 £