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Hotel Wards, Galway
Lower Salthill, Galway, Ireland

Just outside the city centre, the Wards is a family-run budget Galway hotel, within walking distance from all of the major sights, such as Galway Cathedral, the Spanish Arch and the Galway City Museum. Galway Arts Centre as well as many theatres and bookshops are also nearby, providing a host of attractions for Irish culture vultures. Finally, the promenade on Salthill is an excellent opportunity to walk along the seashore and take in the magnificent view of the Aran Islands and Galway Bay. The Wards Hotel has been providing homely and affordable Salthill Galway accommodation for over 40 years, making this hotel into a sort of a Galway institution. It all started with the Wards Pub, a traditional Irish bar, which is the favourite watering hole of many Galway locals and visitors alike. As well as a creamy pint of the black stuff, guests can enjoy a delicious bar meal at the Wards. Furthermore, there is a safe at reception, so that you can leave your valuables in a safe place while on holiday, as well as a luggage room, both of which are free for guests to use.
Internet (wireless)
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Galway airports
Carnmore Airport - 9.3 km