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“ Extrtemely close to the promonade, approx 25mins walk to the main city square. Room ...”
fromGareth H,15 years ago
Hotel Georges, Nice
3 Rue Henri Cordier, Les Baumettes, Nice, 06000, France

Hôtel Georges warmly welcomes its guests in the fascinating setting of a completely refurbished old hôtel in the heart of Nice, just 150 m from the sie, near Dansing club and Casino. You would enjoy our 18 rooms, with attached bath, aire-conditioned and sound-proofed. Other room facilities include minibar, television LCD, personal safe and hair dryer. Our quests are sure to appreciate the warm hospitality and cordiality of our staff, as well as the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of a family run concern. An ideal location for work, relaxation and sight-seeing.
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Nice airports
Côte d'Azur Airport - 4.1 km