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Hotel Canada, Nice
8 rue Halévy, Promenade Des Anglais, Nice, 06000, France

Looking for cheap but nice hotels in Nice, on the French Riviera? The Canada Hotel is exactly that and is located in the center of town in a pedestrianized area, just a hop, skip and a jump from the beach. The Canada Hotel in Nice is an excellent choice as far as 2 star hotels go. Not only will you find friendly staff, comfortable rooms and all the amenities you need for a great budget stay, but also you'll be on top of everything that this popular tourist spot has to offer. Don't waste your time scouring the net for good hotels in Nice, book a room at the Canada! Wireless internet access is available throughout the Canada Hotel.
Air conditioned
Internet (wireless)
Other services
Distances from Nice airports
Côte d'Azur Airport - 5.3 km