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Review summary
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“I slept very comfortably and overall enjoyed my stay. I felt the staff were most polite ...”
fromAnonymous user,14 years ago
Hotel La Fontaine, Lourdes
3-5, passage de la Fontaine, Les Souvenirs De Bernadette, Lourdes, 65100, France

La Fontaine hotel is situated between the sanctuary and the train station of the famous pilgrimage area. All the 27 rooms are equipped with shower, private wc, phone and lift, nice and clean. Friendly atmosphere. The meals are tasty and generous. There's also a bar with TV. If you want to visit this tourist region, the hotel provides facilities to organise excursions.Content provided courtesy of the property. The property is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
Pets allowed
Internet (wireless)
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Lourdes airports
Tarbes Lourdes Pyrénées Airport - 10.4 km