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“It was a very nice welcoming and we engoyed our time very much!!”
fromDr.Hans-Ulrich Moehring,13 years ago
Hotel De l'Atelier, Avignon
5, rue de la Foire, Avignon, 30400, France

Located a few minutes from Avignon, in Villeneuve, the 3 star hotel De l'Atelier is housed in a charming 16th century provençal house offering a warm and elegant ambience. A stone stairway, bathed in light, creates the feeling of an interior Italian courtyard. De l'Atelier hotel sometimes hosts temporary expositions, displaying painting, sculptures or art objects. Guests can relax in the living room by the old fireplace, in the walled patio, and in the shady garden, or simply sunbathe on the terrace with a drink or a cup of tea. Hotel amenities include an Internet Point, a 24-hour reception and bike rental. Pets are welcome in the hotel.
Pets allowed
Internet (wireless)
Non-smoking rooms
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