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Emporium Hotel, Brisbane
1000 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, 4006, Australia

Established in June 2007, the award-winning Emporium Hotel offers contemporary elegance and hospitality in Brisbane, a beautiful and modern city in Queensland, Australia. This luxury hotel is positioned in the heart of Brisbane's stylish Emporium precinct in Fortitude Valley (a haven for lovers of fashion and food), just few minutes from the Brisbane CBD, Queen Street Mall, Portside (Brisbane's Cruise Terminal), Brisbane airports and chic Valley nightlife. The Emporium Hotel's philosophy ensures every guest experience will be remembered as a memorable stay, from a drink in the elegant Cocktail Bar, advice from Concierge, to the rose petals included in a romantic turn-down. This elegant hotel offers luxurious interior design, featuring an indulgent variety of accommodation to plenty fulfil the needs of the most discerning travelers. Emporium Hotel offers 102 custom-designed suites, finished with marble kitchenettes and the exquisite sleeps pillow menu. Other Hotel facilities include a fully equipped Business Centre, wireless Internet access throughout the hotel, a Cocktail Bar and rooftop 15 meter lap pool, sauna and fitness room. Hotel RatingThis property does not have an official STAR Rating from AAA Tourism Pty Ltd. For the benefit of our customers, we have provided a rating based on our rating system.
Handicap accessible
Air conditioned
Business center
Currency exchange
Conference centre
Internet (wireless)
Fitness - Sports
Swimming pool
Meeting rooms
Audio Video Systems
Non-smoking rooms
Other services
Distances from Brisbane airports
Brisbane Airport - 10.9 km