Search flights to Punta Cana
General Informations
Population: 325.244
Surface: 101 KM²
Currency: DOP
Dialing Code: +1 809 849
Official Languages: Spanish
Religions: 95% Of The Population Is Roman Catholic
Type of electrical connection
Punta Cana flights
Punta Cana, which faces the Caribbean Sea, is the main balneario (a sea side resort) in Dominican Republic. The flights to Punta Cana are operated in its own international airport (iata PUJ), which hosts more than 4 millions of visitors per year. In this city operates the best international airlines.
Punta Cana flight statistics
The airlines that fly to Punta Cana are 48
The number of airports in this city is 1
The most popular airline in Punta Cana is Air France
The most frequent flight departing from Punta Cana is to Frankfurt
The most common flight arriving to Punta Cana is from Munich
The most common flight departures time from Punta Cana is 23:25
Statistically, the cheapest days for fly to Punta Cana is Monday
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