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Smokey Bay Air Reviews
Smokey Bay Air technical information
IATA code: --
ICAO code: REL
Callsign: Smokey
Country: United States
Airline type: regular
Fleet size: 3
Airline destinations: 4
Airline routes: 4
Flying with Smokey Bay Air: practical information
The embarked baggage allowance of Smokey Bay Air is 15 kg per person
The hand baggage allowance of Smokey Bay Air is 55 x 35 x 25 cm per person
Check in opening: 1.5 h
Time acceptance: 30 min
Address: 2100 Kachemak Drive, Homer AK 99603, USA
Phone: 907-235-1511
Useful links
Smokey Bay Air website:Airline company
Smokey Bay Air flights and customer reviews
Smokey Bay Air is a private airline based in Homer, Alaska. Smokey Bay Air serves the Kachemak Bay with charter flights, scenic flights and wildlife reconnaissance.
Smokey Bay Air customer reviews
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