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Far Eastern Air Transport Reviews
Far Eastern Air Transport technical information
IATA code: FE
ICAO code: FEA
Country: Taiwan
Airline type: regular
Fleet size: 8
Airline destinations: 19
Airline routes: 42
Flying with Far Eastern Air Transport: practical information
The embarked baggage allowance of Far Eastern Air Transport is 20 kg per person
The hand baggage allowance of Far Eastern Air Transport is 55 x 35 x 25 cm per person
Check in opening: 2.5 h
Time acceptance: 40 min
Address: Dunhua North Road, Taipei 405, Lane 123, No. 5, Alley
Phone: 0800 265 436
Useful links
Far Eastern Air Transport website:Airline company
Far Eastern Air Transport flights and customer reviews
FAT Taiwan Inc., known in the market under the trade name of Far Eastern Air Transport is an taiwanese airline founded in 1957. The company's headquarters is located in the Songshan District, Taipei, Taiwan. Far Eastern Air Transport operates regional scheduled passenger flights, its main hub is located at the airport in Taipei Songshan (iata TSA).
Far Eastern Air Transport flight statistics
The average ticket fare for Far Eastern Air Transport is 446 Euro
The most used airport by Far Eastern Air Transport is Kloten (Zurich)
The most popular route for Far Eastern Air Transport is Kloten (Zurich) - International (Marsa Alam)
The most common depart time for Far Eastern Air Transport is 08:55
Rank major airports served by Far Eastern Air Transport

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Far Eastern Air Transport customer reviews
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